Taste of success: One man’s lifelong love leads to ice cream store

HAGUE - Tykes in crayon-decorated soda-jerk hats were lined up thirty-deep at the Silver Bay Store ice cream counter on a recent Thursday evening. Some had to stand on their tip-toes to peer over the counter. Parents and grandparents waited, too, eager for their first taste of Super Woozle Surprise, the shop's newest ice cream flavor.

Behind the counter, Paul Nasrani scooped the creamy orbs onto dishes and cones, looking every bit as excited as his customers. Super Woozle Surprise, a chocolate fudge ice cream mixed with Reese's Pieces and graham cracker bits, was not technically his invention; the Woozles (as first- and second-graders at the Silver Bay YMCA are called) had conceived the flavor through a democratic - and chaotic - process two days earlier. But, in a larger sense, the whole blissed-out ice cream scene was his creation.


From Suits to Scoops: Adirondack Ice Cream


Down From the Mountains, New York Ice Cream